martes, 20 de noviembre de 2007

from the Ras ben Sakka, to the Cabo Agulhas

Africa is the third continent in extension, forming part of Eurafrasia, Colinda to the north with the Mediterranean Sea, the west with the Atlantic Ocean and the east with the Red Sea, the Indian Ocean and Asia through the Suez Channel. Although it has a total surface of 30.272.922 kilometers square, which represents 22% of the terrestrial land, the population is of only 910.844.133 inhabitants, less of 16%. The continent is organized in 55 countries, being all of them members of the African Union, with exception of Morocco.

Most of the continent professes African traditional religions like animistic. This religion usually occurs under the appearance of universalized religions like the Islam or the Christianity. The Islam has a dominant presence in the north and outstanding in the Sahara, the Sahel, Africa Occidental and Eastern Africa. The African traditional religions have an outstanding presence in America, specially the Vudú in Haiti, the Yoruba religion and the religions of the old Kingdom of the Congo in the Caribbean and Brazil mainly.

In Africa, the life population varies according to the conditions. In North Africa or the Sahara, most of their habitants are adult and exceed the youthful population, although a progressive ageing does not occur either. In Africa, to the south of the Sahara, most of their habitants are young, although in the last decades they had experienced a growth in the adult population and a progressive aging. This occurs mainly in countries like Ethiopia and Somalia, although in South Africa also the adult population is experienced but not so common the aging. Most of the problems in this region of the continent are due to the bad feeding and lack of this food and medical resources.

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