sábado, 10 de noviembre de 2007


Religion in Africa is multifaceted. Most Africans adhere to either Christianity or islam

. Many also practice african tradicional religions , often also in traditions of folk religion or syncretism alongside Christianity and Islam.Christianity has existed in Africa for two millennia. The Orthodox Coptic Church, today prominent in Egypt, Ethiopia and Eritrea were, according to Christian scriptures, established by the Apostle Mar approximatelcitation needed Missionary activity during the colonial period, as well as evangelism and Pentecostalism in modern times, has firmly established Christianity in Africa, particularly in central southern and eastern Africa, and around the Gulf of Guinea.there are others religions like islam, Judaism.

the Traditional religion in africa is a encompasses a wide variety traditional beliefs. Traditional religious customs are sometimes shared by many African societies, but they are usually unique to specific ethnic groups. Many African Christians and Muslims maintain some aspects of their traditional religions.

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